Welcome To Lemar Foot & Ankle Institute
Are you looking for a foot doctor? Pain and loss of function in our feet and ankles can be a huge obstacle, and we understand that getting your body back to normal is of the utmost importance to you.
That is why we offer the highest standard of care in podiatry. We seek to make your visit simple, stress-free, and effective! It is our goal to resolve your pain and function issues in a way that allows you to live the life you are accustomed to.
Don’t live in pain! There are a number of causes for podiatric issues, please contact us today so we can identify the cause and solution for your particular problem! We want you to be walking, running, jumping and living the lifestyle you want to!
Contact us today to learn more about podiatry or any specific conditions you may be experiencing. We’d be happy to speak with you and discuss your care!
We Welcome New Patients
If you have never been to a podiatrist before, you may be nervous about your upcoming visit. Don’t be! Millions of people see podiatrists every year for help with their feet, ankles, and lower legs.
Did you know the average person takes about 10,000 steps every day? That is a lot of stress on your feet! And when you consider the array of surfaces and inclines that people walk on, you can see how foot pain can be a common ailment.
That is why it is so important to seek care from a foot doctor if you are experiencing foot pain or mobility issues. Your ability to move is crucial to living a complete life, don’t allow pain to stop you from living your life!
Whether you have slight discomfort or severe pain, we can help you overcome your foot issues! Contact us today today to learn more about how we can help you!
Meet Dr. Onya Lemar, DPM
Whether it’s a smiling face or a warm greeting, it is our goal to make you feel comfortable going to the foot doctor. Our focus is on providing healing and support for you so that you can get back to the lifestyle you love.
If you have any questions about our team or how we can care for your individual needs, please reach out to us today! We would be happy to speak with you and answer any questions you may have!